Albany Shelter Visit

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, I’m hoping you show your love for Cambridge by participating in our #WarmHeartsforWarmFeet challenge and helping me and Councillor Siddiqui collect wool socks for the Albany Street shelter.

The shelter is run by CASPAR and Bay Cove, and is a wonderful non-profit that provides wrap-around services, including healthcare, to those in our community facing homelessness and addiction. They have over 100 beds to accommodate guests every night, and handle over 160 individual cases to help clients find jobs, permanent housing, and get back on track. We also met their chef, who prepares 90,000 meals per year on a $30,000 budget, and works hard to make meals that are nutritious and tasty.

Wool socks are a valuable resource for the shelter and its guests, so that’s why Councillor Siddiqui and I have challenged the Cambridge Police Department to see who can collect the most pairs of wool socks from February 12th-21st. Our goal is 500 pairs, so that each guest in the shelter can have 2 pairs of socks every week.

Drop your pair (or more!) of wool socks by City Hall (795 Massachusetts Ave) or Police Headquarters (125 6th St) from the 12th-21st to help our homeless neighbors! If you want more information about CASPAR and the valuable, life-saving services they provide, please visit them at